Young girl playing an acoustic piano

When is My Child Ready for Piano Lessons?

I get asked this question a lot. The simple truth is that the correct age to start lessons varies with each child. In fact, watching for certain developmental milestones can prove to be a more accurate determiner in piano lesson readiness. That being said, the majority of students begin learning piano between the ages of 6 and 9-years-old. Here are four factors to consider that will help you start beginner piano lessons at the right time. 

shoes with shoelaces

1. Physical Readiness

Can your child hold a fork or spoon, tie their shoes, write their name, hold a pencil, or draw simple shapes? The acquisition of fine motor skills is necessary for young children to be able to successfully operate the piano keys.

2. Academic Readiness

Can your child count to ten? Are they able to recite the alphabet? How easily can your child recognize and remember patterns?

young boy learning to play the piano

3. Emotional Readiness

Can your child maintain focus on a single activity for at least 2-3 minutes? Are they able to follow directions and be respectful to the teacher and piano throughout the piano lesson? These factors are important to consider when deciding if your child is ready to start in music lessons.

young child talking with his teacher

4. Social Readiness

Is your child socially ready to communicate with other adults rather than only immediate family members? Their eagerness and ability to connect with the teacher are important.

If you think your child might not quite be ready for piano lessons, consider an early childhood music program such as Kindermusik, Music Together, or Musikgarten. The children I’ve taught in these programs have a significant head start when they eventually begin piano lessons.

Is your child ready to be enrolled in piano lessons? Explore Dorrough Piano Studio’s online piano lesson options. Or, contact us today for more information about how to get started.

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